Gita Vidya Peetam is established by Shri Gopi V Prasad with a vision to distil the values of eternal wisdom into present day life through structured learning programs. He has developed the G-Education model to curate such programs, using the principles of "त्रैविद्या चतुश्शिक्षा पञ्चमेधा" (3 component learning, 4 component coaching and 5 component intellect).
Poorna Yoga Program aims to offer a broad understanding of PoornaYoga, through 140 Gita-shlokas and 96 Yoga-sutras under 21 thematic lessons, which are grouped into four courses namely DEHA, GNANA, YOGA and JEEVA. Each lesson is structured with the G-Education model using the three components of learning namely Sadhana, Sodhana and Vaadana, which enable students to understand, explore and apply the wisdom of Yoga in daily life.
The SADHANA component involves activities such as shravana means hearing, pathana means reading, and manana means reflecting. These activities enable students to understand the essence of the lesson. Students do SADHANA using the PoornaYoga transliteration textbooks.
The SODHANA component involves activities such as varna means colouring, visleshana means analysis and anveshana means searching. These activities enable students to explore deeper insights of the lesson. Students do SODHANA using the PoornaYoga workbooks.
The VAADANA component involves the activities such as charcha means discussion, samiksha means inspection, and pariksha means examination. These activities enable students to apply eternal wisdom in daily life. Students do VAADANA using the PoornaYoga project-work.
DEHA course highlights "principals of sound body" for attaining holistic wellness. It presents the Material and Psychic aspects of the human body in 6 lessons based on Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita. First three lessons describe the elements of nature followed by the characteristics of the human body and mind. Next three lessons describe the sensory objects followed by the ways of controlling the senses and the consequences of sense gratification. In this course the participants shall learn the following. The basis of human existence on earth. The three kinds of food and their influence on the human body. The three main characteristics of the human mind. The two broad ways of conducting life in the material world. The characteristics of a balanced consciousness. The cause and effect of mental stress.
GNANA course highlights "principals of sound mind" for attaining holistic wellness. It presents the Physical, Social, Occupational, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual dimensions of the eternal wisdom from Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita. First three dimensions describe the aspects of human endeavour in the material world. Next three dimensions describe the aspects of human evolution in the psychic world. In this course the participants shall learn the following. The three types of actions and the fruits of such actions. The four-fold social order on the basis of human character and action. The three types of people based on their actions and determination. Austerities of mind and the three types of minds. Factors of emotional equilibrium. The four forms of worship and three kinds of worshippers.
YOGA course highlights "principals of Pure Soul" for attaining holistic wellness. It presents the basis of the Atma and the four paths of spiritual practice as prescribed in Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita. The union with self is Yoga and the four paths of Yoga are Karma, Gnana, Dhyana and Bhakti. Karma yoga describes the path of action, Gnana yoga describes the path of knowledge, Dhyana yoga describes the path of meditation and Bhakti yoga describes the path of devotion in the pursuit of union with divine. In this course the participants shall learn the following. The doctrine of rebirth and reincarnation. The law of Karma and its five factors. The principle of Gnana and its components. The process of Dhyana and its essentials. The practice of Bhakti and its methods.
JEEVA course highlights 12 techniques of optimal life under 4 lessons. Each technique is derived from a collection of 8 sutras of Maharshi Patanjali. Each lesson consists of 3 techniques from each Pada of the Patanjali Yoga-sutras. The earlier 3 courses are based on Bhagavad-Gita which is also called as the Yoga-shastra. While the earlier 3 courses highlight the principles of sound body, sound mind and pure soul, this course highlights techniques of optimal life. Collectively these 4 courses cover the principles and techniques of Yoga from the Yoga-shastra and the Yoga-sutras respectively. In effect students will have a broad understanding of complete Yoga in other words the ‘PoornaYoga’.
"Gita Vidya Programs" are supported by institutional and individual partners around the world in many ways.lnstitutional partners such as social, spritual, academic, culture, wellness organization etc and individual partners such as Prabhodhak and Pravardhak are supporting "Gita Vidya Prachaar" (propogation).